Current position:
  • Advantages of Metal Furniture


  • Congratulations on the full upgrade of our website!


    Our service quality, professional technical service capabilities, professional customer service team, guarantee the customer on the high way of information era gallop, letter spirit to welcome new and old customers, stable development, loyalty, efficiency, unity and innovation cooperation, sincerely look forward to working with you to create a better tomorrow!

  • Celebration Moving to Our New Plant!


    We celebrated moving to our new plant on May 17, 2018. Our new workshop size is 10,000 Square Meters, and about 100 employees.

  • What are the welding equipment production lines?


    First of all, the argon arc welded pipe welding equipment production line. Argon arc welding welding equipment, call the industry inside the stainless steel tube machine equipment, the production line mainly includes: forming uncoiling machine, welding machine, grinding machine, sizing straightening unit, cutting machine, feeding frame

  • 20 Years Anniversary Celebration


    We celebrated our 20 years anniversary(1997-2017) in New York. We had a wonderful party with our guests on a yacht, enjoying the beautiful view of the statue of liberty while speaking freely. We really appreciate your coming to enjoy this important moment with us!